What we do

You've worked hard to create the perfect CV, you've run it through a spell checker and sent it off in the hope of getting your dream job but  the spell check missed the fact that you'd written 'there' instead of 'their' so it's a perfectly valid word but with a very different meaning.   AI is great but there's no replacement for the human eye and the human brain for proof reading a document properly.

We will proof read your document carefully, we'll send you all our suggested edits and not only will we check the spelling but we'll check the grammar too.  You can accept or decline, discuss or not - it's up to you.  And we can offer suggestions regarding content and presentation if you want us to.   We will check any document for you whether it's electronic or in hard copy.

  • Presentations
  • CVs
  • Reports
  • Newsletters
  • Weekly staff updates
  • Websites
  • And anything else - we're here to help